Sunday, June 22, 2008

Why are you here?

My good friend, Dani, introduced me to this blog site. I've been thinking about starting a blog for a while, so I guess this is as good a time as any. I'm not real sure I have anything to add that would be relevant to anyone or make someone pause and contemplate an issue. I do know that I feel very strongly about a lot of issues. Secular, religious, work-related, political, current events, name it, and I enjoy discussing it. I especially enjoy hearing other people's points of view on things that I probably take for granted as being set and true. I'm pretty consistently a black-and-white person. I don't see many shades of gray when I look around, and I'm, for the most part, surrounded by people who share most of the same views. So, I'm not real sure why you are here, but I'm just here to share some insights and have some insights shared.

I have quite a few old blogs that I posted in other areas, so I'll probably share some of those over the next few weeks. I'm sure with all the things going on in the world as well as in all of our daily lives, none of us will be short on things to share.

1 comment:

Danielle said...

You blog-mamma is proud of you!!